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Rathorial (9331365)

Title: BBC: At E3, video gaming's bigots have lost

Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Spreading disinformation, rationalizing rhetoric associated with hate movements.

Seems like a poorly researched article imo, even I like the positive message. I think quite a bit of the stuff around Gamergate was absolutely disgusting, but one of the reasons the hashtag died was because there was no central "way of thinking", and over time the people in it were there for numerous (even conflicting) reasons. I can't be the only person who remembers the #notyourshield, where women and minorities identified with gamergate, and likely those in it were for more representation in games. You had some in it just because they were mad about the "gamers are dead" articles written. Probably what's left is mostly trash though. I'm glad to see more female and non-white leads in games, though it seems like this year we more got games about providing you the option to build the character you want. Fine by me, as I tend to like more choice-based games. Only issue I still see, at least for big-budget games, is a lack of diversity in ideas. Most of these big games have homogenized into some kind of action game, and many are just sequels in franchises. When games were cheaper to make, like the PS2 days, the big games were across a wider spectrum of genres, and you got more one-and-done titles. Seems like indies have to pick up that mantle, but they don't get as much press.

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