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Butt-shot Katana (9175365)

Title: If your Fortnite account has ever logged in on a PS4, it cannot be used on Switch

Reason: User Warned: System Wars

Ever since the Switch came out, I've been holding out on getting anything for the PS4 platform that I even think I might be interested in on Switch. That's turned out to be a retroactively, entirely unintentionally good move. And now if I want the best platform for something like Anthem, Xbox One X looks better for me. Sony has better exclusives, but I rarely like their exclusives. I've had GoW since it came out. I've played maybe five hours. I've played more hours than that in Immortal Redneck on Switch. I dunno...maybe I just don't want to play different versions of Uncharted (Dad of War, Uncharted, Zombie Motorcycle Uncharted, The Last Uncharted) or Infamous (Second Son, Spiderman).

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