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TheZodiacAge (8603347)

Title: I was at a gaming event with a lady friend of mine, & booy do we (men) still got a long way to go...

Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Sexism - Rationalizing and normalizing sexual harassment

They wouldn't do it if it didn't work - You can be sure your friend isn't the only one they write with. ProGamers these days are in the scene celebrities and they abuse it like the typical " scenario especially if the guys are good looking too. The Pros of really popular games get probably as many boob/naked pictures in return compared to the amount of dick pictures they send out. There are for example female Twitch Streamers that hooked up/dated with Pros just to grow their channels/personal career over the years which sometimes backfired when strip videos or even more explicit stuff came to daylight. The same with becoming the girlfriend of a really big streamer for the same reasons. Its the principle of one hand washes the other in those cases. These Pros that wrote with your friend that day more than likely had her as a first choice if she is really that attractive as you say. But you can bet they didn't sleep alone that night.

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