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moonknight93 (8311084)

Title: Battlefield V fans who failed history are mad that the game has women in it

Reason: User Warned: Lazy dev rhetoric.

Forgive me, but I've read stuff like this a lot of times and I find it to be an excuse for the lazyness of the game designers. You can have a "realistic" FPS that is respectful to the historical war it wants to portray without sacrificing the fun factor. Take the game Verdun as an example. It has mechanics that are inspired to the actual trench warfare of WW1, with only weapons of that era, and it is fun. Realism is not equal to simulation. The "it's a videogames, it's not supposed to be realistic" cannot be an excuse for game designers to not think about how to implement mechanics in the game that do not denaturalize its own setting. One rightful argument might be the one of "the over the topness it's a stylistic choice, they have every rights to not portay WW2 in an historical way". I might agree with that, but in that case this is not a game I can take seriously. The realism topic in videogames is a very interesting subject

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