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FrequentFlyer (8286113)

Title: DICE - We will always put fun over authentic (Regarding Battlefield V compliants)

Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Ignoring context of discussion to concern troll about generalisations. History of similar behaviour.

It sure is an effective method living in such a simplified world where anyone with other views is branded as "-ist" as necessary. It can't be people are criticizing the drastic shift away from aesthetic authenticity (if I remember correctly that was even DICEs own reasoning in regards to prior games). No, they must all be bad evil racist sexists. Clearly. You figured it all out. Your view is the only true, progressive and good one. Bravo. Obligatory disclaimer: Obviously there are also youtube comments etc that are indeed sexist, racist etc. But that is not what is going on here in this discussion. (Also incorrect since BF2 already had black US soldiers, not to mention all the non-white factions in basically every BF game)

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