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Smugness (7575290)

Title: Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop. Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop

Reason: User banned (duration pending review): trolling (including in private messages), disruptive behaviour, accumulated infractions.

I think we need to have another APPRECIATION THREAD for the GOD HIMSELF KANYE TRUMP dropping what is probably the GREATEST RAP VERSE since the SUGARHILL gang back in the 1950s. I don't care what your political affiliation is I don't care what your taste in music is Whether you love or hate Kanye but you need to understand just how great this verse is, and SHOW SOME RESPECT for this man's talents and skills no WONDER he can turn ppl's political views with how good his rhymes are let's listen again POUR SOME R E S P E K on his name and share your appreciation here, thanks

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