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potentialtodisplease (7398482)

Title: TotalBiscuit / John Bain's cancer has worsened ; retiring as a Game Critic, expresses future plans

Reason: User Banned (1 Day): Derailing thread with conspiracy theories

No one is saying you are not doing your job, or that the loads of people in care are not doing their job. But for you to totally disregard the people controlling large sectors of power and trillions of overall dollars as just jolly good folks is completely ridiculous too. A cure all one pill and yer done type of cure would never see the light of day anywhere in this day and age. This is the age of profit and margins. Anybody telling you otherwise is pulling your leg. You can take that to the bank. If it were possible, it would be crushed by the hand that feeds in a millisecond. That much at least is certain unless a very good person actually ran a company that did not answer to share holders and profit margins. That however does not mean that current research is somehow all bad. Far from it. I don't think anyone thinks that way. And besides that there are other things you can do with nutrition available to everyone that can help prevent cancer. But Big Pharma technically, probably does not always follow through with some things they should take further. It has nothing to do with the scientists, and everything to do with the businessman that run the corporations. So I have no idea why scientists in general get so uppity about it. It has nothing to do with you. Nobody is calling you out personally.

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