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RevenantAxe (7331928)

Title: Shadow of The Tomb Raider leaked trailer

Reason: User Warned: dismissing discussion of social issues in video games

Yeah coz SE is not making games to please small handful of old school TR audience. They're here to make money like everyone, action and killing appeals to majority of gaming audience and walking and searching shit doesn't, it's simple. Name one pure exploration and puzzle based game sold 5 to 8m copies like TR Reboot did in its life time?. Old school TR will not work today trust me . I remember someone created a thread here that they don't want guns in RDR 2, I mean what? Lol Game based on crime drama should not have guns? Lol Seriously? RDR 2 is such a expensive game and will not even make half of its money if there's no action in the game . My problem is the some handful of members pushing their nonsense social agendas here. If you have problem with violence and white guy killing non whites then boycott all such games which do that for example - Uncharted ,Cod and gta nd all. Don't target TR franchise and Lara character alone . Talk about the game and it's features as this is a gaming section of the forum and not off topic section. Also posting such things on a gaming forum will not bring any change in violence in games or society mindset. Change comes when you go out there and come in power . That's all I have to say .

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