published on

Oath (7109880)

Title: Quantic Dream is suing two French media outlets over articles on toxic work conditions [Kotaku]

Reason: User Warned: Complaining about the thread.

Do actual meaningful things instead of wasting time and effort on an internet forum? Work your way up a corporate ladder and enforce those ideals yourself? Open your own business which embraces those values? Run for local office and use your viewpoints as the cornerstone of your campaign? At the very least become a respectable member of your community so people will lend an ear to you? "Yeah, but those are hard, and take time." No shit they are, if they weren't they wouldn't be worth doing. Change has never come easy and it never will. Or you can just whine on a forum and try and boycott a video game. I'm sure the multiples of $60 that they're missing out on will really affect their bottom line.

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