published on

Bobby (3887298)

Title: Star Wars: The Last Jedi |OT3| The War is Just Beginning (Unmarked Spoilers)

Reason: User Warned: Don't use inflammatory words to insult other users.

LOL. Stay not knowing what the fuck you're talking about, "El Bombastico" Patience is a finite resource and stupid fuckholes are in abundance. But if you really wanna credit me with much influence over the shitpoor excuse for "discussion" being mourned here go right ahead. Someone not posting live from an embedded location inside their own colon might instead come to the conclusion the thread's dead because the film dropped out of the top ten and anyone even halfway rational is probably sick to death of litigating the 3 millionth argument over mary sues and how every female character in the series needs to justify their adequacy as story elements before they can do anything. Stay thinking about me when I'm gone and getting brave enough to take your swings when you think I'm not looking tho.

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