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ContraWars (348062)

Title: Star Trek Discovery |OT| To Boldly go into the new streaming era

Reason: User was warned: inflammatory language, insults/rudeness towards other posters

Everybody offended by the gender implications of the term Mary Sue are dismissing the main point, as if being female has anything to do with the criticisms. Should we use Gary Stu instead? Really, who gives a shit if it's a man or woman? I know I don't, but I do know that since she's a woman, and since watching this garbage unfold is like reading some poorly-written YA power fantasy, Mary Sue seems to fit. Boo fucking hoo if that makes you go to red alert and raise your shields. This show legit gets dumber than a bag of hammers far too often. We're 7 hours into it and less than a handful of characters even matter. The protagonist could be a transgendered alien sock puppet, and it wouldn't matter. She's the main one rolling out the sudden epiphanies and solutions to overcome all the manufactured drama that happens here. If I was really trolling I'd be rolling out this kind of nonsense: "Here Mike, hold my beer, I need to go total Leeroy Jenkins on the invulnerable space monster that shredded a platoon of Klingons in front of us last week. REEEE!" - *DING!* Attention: The senior staff position of Chief of Security is now available. Suicidal Cylons need not apply. Klingon spies preferred. But, I'm not trolling. I'm a fan of the franchise and watching this train wreck is fucking painful. This is Star Trash. Nemesis tier Action-Trek, shoehorned into a long TV series, sprinkled with nostalgic cues and throwbacks to the better shows. Disco sucks, and CBS would have been better off throwing bags of money at the Axanar team.

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