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mob21 (3106589)

Title: DatingEra - This isn't like one of your animes

Reason: This user is banned for this post (2 days) : Inappropriate language

We were saying this about Chrono like 20 pages ago but everyone thought we were just trolling lol It was clear from the start this woman was gonna be hurt in the end. Mans got out of a 5 year engagement and immediately goes on like 50 dates in 3 weeks, admits to targeting damaged women because they are more interesting, talks to them as if he is the solution to all of their problems, etc. Literally weeks ago you were saying how girl was calling you on the phone talking about your future together while u just long boarded in the park for 2 hours straight, then ended the phone call because you got tired of it. Not once mentioning how you felt the same way. It was quite obvious this woman was seeking to be with you long term, yet you acted with complete indifference to it. You don't enjoy relationships without intimacy or serious connections, but thats incredibly selfish if you never planned on being there in the long term. Especially to a girl who has had as many issues as you described earlier ITT. She's okay with it only in the hopes that you stay with her. You're okay with it because you are trying to justify your actions and paint yourself as a white knight. You're kind of acting like a rape baby here

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