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Jiro (1145414)

Title: Why women criticise sexualised character designs (READ OP)

Reason: User was banned (24h) for disingenuous arguments, ignoring the thread's history. Please at least read the OP before posting.

Games are full of half naked men with pounding muscles and textured nipples. Maybe in one out of hundred games there is a woman who is modeled in a sexist exploited way - and only then it becomes a "big deal". The hypocrisy knows no boundaries. If there is someone who should be angry, it is the men. Men are some of the most exploited creatures on this planet. The sexism against men is ten times worse than the one against women. Just watch any Hollywood movie and count the half naked men compared to half naked women, I swear you will be surprised by the ratio. Muscles everywhere, men are shown as sex objects much more often than women. And remember that all these products where men are being exploited, the producers are mostly men. How is it when the producers are women? Just look at the Japanese ikemen-gay games where almost all the staff are women. They draw some of the most sexist shit on this planet and make all men look like sex slaves to women. I do not like this debate.

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