Title: Henry Cavill: Hesitant to date in fear of being called a rapist
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Misogyny. Unfounded fear-mongering about women filing false rape accusations.
This forum is another level, if you actually read what he's saying it's about potentially being falsely accused of doing something he didn't do just because he's a man in the spotlight, if I was famous I'd avoid women like the plague, all it would take is one woman to be turned down or had a few dates and decided it doesn't feel right for a woman who is slightly crazy to lose her shit (I'm not talking about all women so don't try and start some debate on this) all because a famous person turned her down, and in the current climate it's not a bad thing. Just like feminism, most feminists are decent people that are fighting for equal rights between men and women and absolutely deserve it, and yet you'll have that small minority that brings Feminism a bad name.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10321560/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/eOtOr